Saturday, February 25, 2012

capitol building, washington dc

East Capitol Street, NE and 1st Street, NE     Washington, DC 20002 * Intersection of two streets at the entrance to the    Capitol Building grounds. The mailing address is   Capitol Building, Washington, DC 20515 Finding the Capitol Building on Map Web Sites: Google Maps - Copy into Search box     E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE 20001 Mapquest - Copy into these boxes     Address or Intersection:  E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE     Zip Code:  20001 Yahoo Maps - Copy into Address box     E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE 20001 read more capitol building, washington...

Monday, February 20, 2012

omahmlaku bis mewah di indonesia

www.omahmlaku.comCyberbis keluaran Perusahaan Otobus (PO) Nusantara ini, menurut Andy Darmawan, Manajer IT PO Nusantara sama sekali belum pernah beriklan dan melakukan promosi khusus. Hanya di awal peluncurannya pernah mengundang sejumlah wartawan media lokal untuk bersama-sama melakukan roadshow pengetesan jaringan Indosat yang dipasang dalam bis di sejumlah kota di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Untuk pengadaan fitur Cyberbis ini PO Nusantara menggandeng PT Indosat regional Semarang. Selang berapa lama, Omahlaku pun menjadi pembicaraan cukup seru di sejumlah media lokal, nasional, dan blog internet. Publikasi gratis pun menyebar hingga ke telinga komunitas Bis Mania. Tak heran, selama beberapa bulan sejak peluncuran, bis ini menjadi diskusi...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

8 largest cathedral in the world

The National Cathedral is the 6th largest cathedral in the world. Construction of this Episcopal Cathedral began on September 29, 1907, when the foundation stone was laid by President Theodore Roosevelt. The completion of the west towers in September 1990 marked the end of eighty-three years of construction. read more8 largest cathedral in the wor...

Friday, February 10, 2012

tanah lot map

tanah lot m...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

scania omniexpress 3.20

scania omniexpress 3.20bus desi...

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