Thursday, March 24, 2011

hino bus type ever direalese

Helpful also turned out to participate in the forum, at least add ideas for posts,for the first time torelease of this article, please permitpublished back  ...From various sourcesI finally foundHino models of history thatofficial in Indonesia.List compiled byyear of publication.type, year of production ccengineAK172 1974-1992 6443cc 172PSH06CAK173 1985-1992 6443cc 173PSH06CAK174 1986-1995 6443cc 174PSH06CRK174 1988-1995 6443cc 174PSH06CRK2HM 1990-1998 - 6728ccH07CRK2HR 1991-2004 6728cc 200PSH07C-T (Turbo)AK176 1991-1997 6443cc 176PSEH700AK3HR 1995-2007 7412cc 190PSH07DRG1JN 1996-2005 7961cc 240PSJ08C-TI (turbo intercooler)RG1JS 1997-2007 7961cc 240PSJ08C-TI (turbo intercooler)2004-2007 AK1JRKA 210PS7961cc JO8C-NAAK8JRKA...

Bus Tours New poHarapanJaya - Scania and Mercedes VIP bus 1526

  Our greatest appreciationdedicate to theHJ loyal customers. EndThis year, we launchingkanScania Bus Tour Borobudurand Beyond VIP BusImagination.Enjoy the comfort andtogether with us onthe end of 2010 andnew year 2011 with the BusTourism, Night Bus, andHarapan Jaya Surabaya bus.Tourism needs tocontact 0888 037 50 468.Night Bus (0355) 323315,327 576. Bus Surabaya (0355)322 937.Discover surpriseswith us next... ... ... ... ... ..We alsotook out a new unit forVIP night bus and executiveuse units of Mercy 15...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

the Daimler Engine Company and Kässbohrer: 100 Years of Cooperation

● As early as 1910, Ulm’s Master Cartwright Karl Kässbohrer began manufacturing the first Phaeton limousines and Landaulet bodies for the Daimler Engine Company (Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft)● In addition to the many Kässbohrer coach and bus bodies built on Mercedes-Benz chassis, the Ulm company cooperated with Mercedes-Benz to come up with outstanding vehicle designs● Streamlined coaches and the largest coach in the world built by Kässbohrer all carried the Mercedes-Benz star as their extremely visible trademark● With the Setra product range 200, Mercedes-Benz engines started their triumphal march with the Setra. Nowadays, state-of-the-art low-pollution diesel engines with SCR technology from Mannheim are standard...

the Setra to celebrate anniversary at etro Classics 2011

• 60 years of Setra buses – the idea of the self-supporting body wins through• 100 years of bus expertise from Ulm/Neu-Ulm• Four historical buses from 1911 to 1976 in hall 8Stuttgart/Neu-Ulm – Setra Buses, Daimler AG's Ulm-based bus brand, will be celebrating the brand's 60th anniversary and the beginning of bus production in Ulm 100 years ago when it appears at Retro Classics 2011 in Stuttgart (11 – 13 March), presenting four historical buses in hall 8 (commercial vehicles).The first Setra bus from 1951The highlight at the exhibition stand will be the first Setra bus ever to be produced, bearing the chassis number -001. This vehicle was presented to bus companies for the first time at the Frankfurt International Motor...

the Setra presents new US touring coach in Florida

Stuttgart/Tampa. The Setra brand marked its attendance at this year's UMA Motorcoach Expo bus trade show in Tampa, Florida (19 - 23 January 2011), by featuring a newly designed touring coach. At the ceremony to unveil the coach, Lothar Holder, Director of Sales for Setra buses and coaches at EvoBus GmbH, said: "With the new ComfortClass S 407, we are now also positioning ourselves in the US business segment, and are offering coach operators a cost-effective alternative which fully meets all of our customers' requirements with the customary high quality standards expected of Setra."Unlike the Setra TopClass S 417 which makes use of the European design concept, the new Setra ComfortClass S 407 is a classic touring coach based on North...

The Setra receives top honours in Bosnia

• S 415 GT-HD from coach operator Cicko Commerce is voted"2010 Coach of the Year" • Bus brand from Daimler AG receives top honours for the third time from specialist magazine• Setra ComfortClass 400 enjoys widespread success with seven vehicle variantsStuttgart/Sarajevo - Bosnian specialist magazine "Auto" has awarded the Setra brand the title of "2010 Coach of the Year". This is the third title that the brand from Daimler AG has picked up within a four-year period in Bosnia. After previously honouring two TopClass 400 vehicles - an S 417 HDH in 2006 and the Setra double-decker S 431 DT in 2009 - this year the jury once again voted a representative of the ComfortClass 400 onto the winner's podium in the guise of an S...

More Mercedes-Benz gas buses head for Norway

Stuttgart – Transport operator Tide ASA has ordered 37 EEV (Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle) variants of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro articulated bus with gas drive. Powered by natural gas, the low-floor urban buses are characterised by their low emissions – particularly when it comes to nitrogen oxides and particulates – and already significantly exceed the Euro 5 emissions values currently in force. The driving force behind the buses is the M 447 hLAG natural gas engine, which is available in two power output variants producing 185 kW (252 hp) and 240 kW (326 hp).Tide ASA is one of the largest transport operators in Norway offering both road and water-based public transport services. The company has 3700 employees and operates...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Medenbach puts their trust in Setra for new rural bus routes

• Fleet with 15 model S 415 ULvehicles is largest investmentin the company ’s history• Hessian family companywins Europe-wide call fortenders• S 415 UL is the best-sellingSetra rural-service bus inGermanyHeinz Friedrich, Head of theSetra domestic salesdepartment, hands over 15model S 415 UL SetraMultiClass buses to PeterMedenbach (on right).Neu-Ulm/Weilburg – With theacquisition of 15 Setra model S415 UL rural service buses,Hessian company “Medenbachtraffic” carried out the largestinvestment in its 50-year-longcompany history, thusunderscoring the great trust ithas for many years placed inthis brand of the Daimler AGgroup. Upon taking formaldelivery of the units in aceremony at the Neu-UlmSetra Customer Centre, CEOPeter Medenbach stressedbefore...

the Setra provides forum for young bus operators

The SetraBus and Coach unit supportsyoung bus operators fromacross Europe. On theinitiative of the Ulm-based busbrand, 40 bus operators fromGermany, Austria, Denmark,Italy, Luxembourg, Norway,Switzerland as well as theNetherlands and Turkey cametogether in Prague for themutual exchange ofinformation and thoughts. Theoverriding topic this year atthe meeting of the Young BusOperators, the eleventh todate, was the "change ofgenerations". Along withlectures by experts,workshops and information ofcurrent interest from the bussector, the agenda included avisit to the Willax buscompany in Vilseck.For Lothar Holder, ManagerSales Setra Bus and CoachUnit, EvoBus GmbH, thesemeetings, which take placeevery year in a differentEuropean city, have long sinceacquired...

Monday, March 7, 2011

omahmlaku interior galleries volvo 12 m


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