Sunday, February 20, 2011

scania bus photo 2

scania bus photo 2Scania-Van-Hool-TD9Scania-Van-Hool-TD9scania-touring scorpion kingsscania-e85-busScania_Oghab_B...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Borobudur temple (Candi Brorobudur) indonesia

This is Borobudur, it was builtby King Samaratungga, one ofthe kings of Old MataramKingdom, the descendant ofSailendra dynasty. Based onKayumwungan inscription,Borobudur built on 26 May824, almost one hundred yearsfrom the time the constructionwas begun. I make this videoon May 2008, after theearthquake, no damage atall...

Beautiful Sunset At Parangtritis Beach ( Jogjakarta, Indonesia)

Parangtritis is the mostpopular beach in Yogyakarta.The naming of the beach hasits own history. Hundredsyears ago, someone namedDipokusumo, who was afugitive of Majapahit Kingdom,came to this area to meditate.When he saw water drippingfrom the crack of the coralreef, he named this area'parangtritis', originating fromthe word parang (stone) andtumaritis (water drops). Thebeach close to the area wasthen named the sam...

bali island tourism map

bali island tourism m...

tanah lot BALI

According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He is a successful Nirartha Balinese people will strengthen confidence and build Sad Hinduism Goda at the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha. Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot. He agreed, and before leaving Tanah Lot with its power to move his stone blocks to the middle of the beach (not into the sea) and built temples there. He also change the shawl into a snake temple guards. Snake is still there today and scientifically snakes include species of sea snakes that have a characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped yellow and black color has...

new hino fb 130 2011

PRODUCT Model FB 130Spesification:PRODUCTION Production CodeWGLZ FB2-ENPERFORMANCE Maximumspeed(Km / h) 104.6Power climb (tan à ~) 38.3MACHINE Model W04D-TNDiesel Type 4 Stroke, In-LineMax Power (PS / rpm)130/2500Torque Max.(Kgm / rpm) 37.0 / 1800Number of Cylinders 4Bore x StrokePiston (mm) 104 x 118Fill Cylinder 4009CLUTCH Type Dry, hydraulic,300 (withoutbooster)Diameter 300TRANSMISSION Type 5 speedsDental comparison -1st 49812nd 29113rd 1556to-4 15th 07386th -7th -to-8 -9th -retreat 4625Integral Power SteeringSteering TypeTurn Radius Min. (M) 5.6AXIS Home Reverse Elliot, I-Section BeamRear Full floating hypoid typewithgearComparison of dentalSTD = 6167 endRear Drive System 4x2RIM Home Vacuum ServoHydraulic Brakes,With brake retarders onExhaust...

man bus coach

The Lion's Coach offers you ahigh-quality design andexceptional comfort, and atthe same time a first-classprice-performance ratio.When it comes to economy,the Lion's Coach sets newstandards:High reliability and lowmaintenance requirementensure continuous operation.Additionally, the Lion's Coachensures safety in everysituation – ESP/ABS and ASRare standard equipment.Lion's Coach (12 m)Lion's Coach C (13.26 m)Lion's Coach L (13.80 m)DownloadsMAN Buses Film(16.4MB MPG)Lions Coach (en)(1.7MB PDF)Lions Coach Supreme(en) (2.1MB PDF)MAN Bus Program(en) (1.6MB PDF)EEV (en) (724KB PDF)Alternative drivesystems (en)(2.7MB PDF)MAN BusDesignerDesign the interior ofyour MAN coach.moreMAN TransportefficiencyIncrease the transportefficiency of your fleet!...

hyundai bus

Hyundai Bus & Truck onlyreleased a major bus typestwo variants, and non-CNGCNG.Other basic specsremains the same, such astorquemaximum, wheelbase andoverall length chassis.Here's the big key dataHyundai bus as shownin the photo in the postingprevious:Type: Aero DieselMax Power: 290 PS at 2200rpmMax Torque: 110 Kgm at1400 rpmWheelbase: 6050 mmChassis Overall Length: 11 600...

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Friday, February 11, 2011

photo gallery green canyon indonesia


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