Friday, January 28, 2011

The Lion's Coach

The Lion's Coach offers you ahigh-quality design andexceptional comfort, and atthe same time a first-classprice-performance ratio.When it comes to economy,the Lion's Coach sets newstandards:High reliability and lowmaintenance requirementensure continuous operation.Additionally, the Lion's Coachensures safety in everysituation – ESP/ABS and ASRare standard equipment.Lion's Coach (12 m)Lion's Coach C (13.26 m)Lion's Coach L (13.80 m)MAN BusDesignerDesign the interior ofyour MAN coach.moreMAN TransportefficiencyIncrease the transportefficiency of your fleet! First-class travelcomfortHigh economyAutomatic gearbox(MAN TipMatic®)Tried-and-testedsafety conceptESP, ABS and ESR asstandard equipmentData sheet Lion's CoachLength 12.000 mmWidth 2.550...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

volvo chassis

ChassisOur chassis offer a strong total economy with consistently high product quality, new electronics and technology. They are also characterized by high availability, long service life and  low operating and maintenance costs. Volvo B7RThe Volvo B7R is a versatile bus designed for efficient, safe, and profitable transport. It is primarily intended for tourist and long-distance duties, but is also suitable for use as a city bus. A robust, simple design and a light chassis are some of the characteristics that have made it popular throughout the world.These properties have been retained but have now been supplemented by an updated engine and a completely new electronic system. These new features further contribute to...

volvo 9900

Spend your trip in comfortFor your passengers, comfort is what makes the journey worthwhile, because it lets them read, sleep or simply look out the window. And they will never travel better than in a Volvo 9900. This is our flagship, the most exclusive of our buses, with an unbeatable attention to every detail. It is a purpose-built tourist coach with comfort, safety and driveability in focus; making this a great option for your passengers and your business.    • Competitive and with a long productive  life thanks to high quality• Low fuel consumption and emissions   (Euro 5)• New 13-litre engine• I-Shift• Knee Impact Protection• Front Underrun Protection System   (FUPS) for other road users•...

volvo 9700

Productivity for the long runSpacious, reliable safe and productive. The Volvo 9700 is an excellent tourist coach since it not only makes sure your passengers have every comfort in a quiet and calm environment, but it also offers the driver great handling characteristics. And thanks to low operational costs it ensures productivity so that your company can stay competitive.We know that running a bus travel company is about offering experiences as well as service at competitive prices. Low fuel consumption and emissions secures your profitability and profile. And with a service contract you rest assured that your bus remains reliable throughout its lifecycle.• Competitive and with a long productive life   thanks to high quality•...

volvo 9500

Getting productivity on the roadThe new Volvo 9500 is the perfect solution for cost–efficient medium-range charter and line-haul. It’s a true Volvo coach with the comfort and spaces you'd expect, reliable, safe, productive and with Volvo's renowned residual value. With the 9-litre engine you'll have 380 bhp and 1700 Nm at hand; economical and Euro 5 compliant. The 12-speed Volvo I-Shift is also contributing to lower fuel costs. All in all, the Volvo 9500 is value for money. For you – and for your passenger...

bendungan waduk wonorejo tulungagung indonesia

Reservoir Wonorejo whichlocated on the slopes of MountWillis is still awewengkon districtTulungagung. Located on the sidewest of the city, this reservoir canaccessed from the heart of the cityin about 30 minutesonly.I'm really not interestedvisited this dam.Because of the Nadhias whichsay that the reservoir is alreadybarren no longer, the endlast year I was desperatego there alone.Armed with AF-S Nikkor18-55mm. Next trip,I hope stock compensationSigma 10-20mm HSM: DDhias true. Reservoir is notarid again. That's enoughdense, although not yettoo Rungkut for the young-bermojok drive-mojok ria. Butsurprisingly, I saw alreadymany also mojokwere both there.House of Representatives, In DownRindang tree. New motorkreditan have a Fathersold...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

higer bus photo


higer bus

HIGER BUS Company Limited - one of the fastest developing bus manufacturers in China, is well known for its innovation and prevision in research and development. “Focus on Safety and Service”, HIGER BUS contributes a great deal to the modernization of the Chinese bus industry.Established in 1998, situated in the well-known Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park, together with the Global Top 500 enterprises, HIGER BUS with registered capital of 250 million RMB is one of the few bus manufacturers that have obtained the license from governmental authorities with production capacity of 22,000 complete bus and chassis per year. The production base for medium, large and city buses, covering 500,000sqm, with advanced-equipped assembly lines, is running...

the prambanan most beautiful hindu temple

Prambanan temple isextraordinarily beautifulbuilding constructed in thetenth century during thereigns of two kings namelyRakai Pikatan and RakaiBalitung. Soaring up to 47meters (5 meters higher thanBorobudur temple), thefoundation of this temple hasfulfilled the desire of thefounder to show Hindutriumph in Java Island. Thistemple is located 17kilometers from the citycenter, among an area thatnow functions as beautifulpark.There is a legend thatJavanese people always tellabout this temple. As thestory tells, there was a mannamed Bandung Bondowosowho loved Roro Jonggrang. Torefuse his love, Jonggrangasked Bondowoso to make hera temple with 1,000 statuesonly in one-night time. Therequest was nearly fulfilledwhen Jonggrang asked thevillagers to...

the borobudur bigest buddist temple

Who does not knowBorobudur? This Buddhisttemple has 1460 relief panelsand 504 Buddha effigies in itscomplex. Millions of peopleare eager to visit this buildingas one of the World WonderHeritages. It is not surprisingsince architecturally andfunctionally, as the place forBuddhists to say their prayer,Borobudur is attractive.Borobudur was built by KingSamaratungga, one of thekings of Old MataramKingdom, the descendant ofSailendra dynasty. Based onKayumwungan inscription, anIndonesian named HudayaKandahjaya revealed thatBorobudur was a place forpraying that was completed tobe built on 26 May 824, almostone hundred years from thetime the construction wasbegun.The name ofBorobudur, as some peoplesay, means a mountain havingterraces (budhara), whileother...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

yogyakarta indonesia

YOGYAKARTA (often also called Jogja, Yogya or Jogja) is located in middle of Java Island - Indonesia, where everything is cheap. It's enough with $ 20 per-day, you are able to stay over, eat famous authentic delicious food, and rent a motorbike to explore the pure beaches and thousand of years old ancient temples. A thousand years ago, Yogyakarta was the center of ancient Mataram Kingdom which was prosperous and high civilized. This kingdom built Borobudur Temple which was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Some other relics are Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples scattered throughout Yogyakarta. However, by some mysterious reason, Ancient Mataram Kingdom...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

bali trekking

TrekkingThere are countless locations around Bali that have remained largely 'unaffected' by the impact of tourism. The outer boundaries of Ubud offer some delightful scenic walks that trail along the edge of rice terraces or there are guided tours through the National Park in west Bali. Other trekking destinations take in the surrounding areas of Titra Gangga and the cool mountainous lakes at Bedugul. Independent trekkers are encouraged to engage a local guide, wear sensible shoes and bring along ample bottled water to avoid dehydration. Bali Experience Adventure Natural Balinese ExperienceThe Inspiration of LifeWe offer you an unforgettable day of Balinese lifestyle, culture & environmental. Riding the pedicab (Becak),...

bali surfing

SurfingBali is a paradise for keen surfers due to convenient accessibility and home comforts at the end of the day. The island offers over 20 top quality breaks on the southwest and southeast cost, especially around the bukit peninsula. Some of these breaks like Padang Padang and Uluwatu are world class barreling reef. Others offer just pain surfing fun like the beach breaks that surround Kuta and Sanur.Odysseys Bali Surf School Odysseys Surf School is a partnership business registered as PT. Odysseys Bali-Indonesia registered on October 2003 with its principal activities as surfing school, and Michael Wu as a founder. Located in Mercure Hotel Kuta Arcade just 50 meters in front of Kuta Beach. Odysseys Surf School is the perfect place...

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