The Lion's Coach offers you ahigh-quality design andexceptional comfort, and atthe same time a first-classprice-performance ratio.When it comes to economy,the Lion's Coach sets newstandards:High reliability and lowmaintenance requirementensure continuous operation.Additionally, the Lion's Coachensures safety in everysituation – ESP/ABS and ASRare standard equipment.Lion's Coach (12 m)Lion's Coach C (13.26 m)Lion's Coach L (13.80 m)MAN BusDesignerDesign the interior ofyour MAN coach.moreMAN TransportefficiencyIncrease the transportefficiency of your fleet! First-class travelcomfortHigh economyAutomatic gearbox(MAN TipMatic®)Tried-and-testedsafety conceptESP, ABS and ESR asstandard equipmentData sheet Lion's CoachLength 12.000 mmWidth 2.550...