Friday, December 31, 2010

scania po nusantara

Scania Irizar adalah salah satugebrakan besar dari PONusantara di duniatransportasi darat bis dinegeri kita, denganmengandalkan mesin buatannegara Swedia dan bodirakitan dari negara Spanyoldengan material terbuat daribahan fiber, dengan tenaga310 hp dan kekuatan mesin9000 cc siap berkiprah diIndonesia.Scania Irizar PO Nusantarasiap untuk mengisikeanekaragaman bis di negeritercinta , PO Nusantara beraniberinovasi denganmendatangkan varian baru bisdengan mesin Scania langsungbuild up dengan cc yang lebihkecil dari varian-variansebelumnya dengan kapasitasmesin 12.000 cc.Dengan mengusung mesinDSC9 21 (Euro 3) Diesel Enginedengan Turbo Charger,Intercooler dan DirectInjection (Scania PDE) yangmampu menghasilkan tenagaatau max output 228 kW (310hp...

New Scania Touring: Buildinga global identity

Robust, high quality and easilyrecognisable. These weresome of the guidelines forScania ’s styling team when thenew Scania Touring coachbegan to take shape on thedrawing board. Scaniaproducts are among the mostimportant brand carriers forthe company.Thus a new Scania coach must convey the brand values and product identity. Forthe Scania Touring coach, thegoal was to create a globalidentity that is commonthroughout the productportfolio. This is why some ofthese distinctive Scania stylingcues can also be found onScania trucks.Brand recognition“People should clearly seethat the Scania Touring coachis part of the Scania family, ”says Ingrid Nilsson-Czornyj,bus and coach designer atScania ’s styling department.“At the start of the project,we began by establishing whatcharacteristics and stylingfeatures...

scania higher bus concept

After a great success at the2008 China(Suzhou)International Bus Exhibition,Higer bus with six newproducts will launch ShanghaiBus World Asia 2008, mainlyincluding KLQ6147Q,KLQ6125D, KLQ6125Q,KLQ6180GQE3, KLQ6129GQ1and KLQ6858Q, six newmodels covers length from 8to 18 meters, typles of Coach,Tourist Bus, Public Transportand Group Bus, which presentnew developmentachievements and theenterprises' strenth of HigerBus.It is known that the booth ofScania Bus is close to HigerBus booth, which embodies angood cooperation relationshipbetween the two buscompanyies.KLQ6147Q "Scania Higer 90" isaiming to win thechampionship during the expo.The main characters areequiped with original Scaniachassis, engine(Euro IV)system, international leadingbreaking technology,...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Bangkok is one of Asia's most cosmopolitan cities. Created as the Thai capital in 1782 by the first monarch of the present Chakri dynasty, Bangkok is a national treasure house and Thailand's spiritual, cultural, political, commercial, educational and diplomatic centre. Major tourist attractions include glittering Buddhist temples, palaces, timeless Venice of the East canal and river scenes, classical dance extravaganzas, and numerous shopping centre...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Further safety features for thenew Travego includecornering lights, a rain/lightsensor and long-lasting LEDclearance lamps above thewindscreen. The test vehiclealso comes with Litronicheadlamps (includingheadlamp cleaning system),heated windscreen, a backupassist system with visualdisplay in the exterior mirror,a rear-view camera withcleaning system, a videomonitoring system for thecentral entrance, a firedetection system in the enginecompartment, around theindependent heater and in themain luggage compartment,plus a smoke detector in thetoilet.The emergencyhammers on the windowpillars are theft-proof,ensuring they are alwaysavailable in case ofemergency.The Travego’s immobiliser isan effective tool to helpreduce the risk of theft. Acrash recorder...

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