Saturday, August 21, 2010

MERCEDES-BENZ POpangeran Tours & Travel

Tourism Bus RentalWe serve the rental of tourist buses and bus Symphonie.Regardless of the number of passengers, we can serve you. Some of the options on the Mini Bus, Medium Bus, Big Bus with the number of seats as follows:Mini Buses with 21 seats or 31 seatsMedium Buses with 31 seatsBig Buses with 44 seats or 59 seatsFor tourism bus rental rates, please contact us.Contact usPO. Pangeran (Pangeran Tours & Travel)Jl. Mayor Sujadi No. 127Tulung Agung-66217East-Java +62(0)355-329521/ +62(0)355-333205E-mail: atau info@popangeran.c...


Spectakuler bus with:- Seat of the skin with an elegant and comfortable design. Wider seats and the distance between seats is more lax- LCD TV 14 units in a busSeat 2-2 total 28 with foot rest and seat recleaning-Pillows BlanketsToilets and smoking areaAC and audio-engined bus with type K380 is the first in IndonesiaHead Office: Jl. Major Sujadi 23A, Tulungagung - East Java Indonesia (0355) 321620, 321 624, 327 575 Branch Office: Jl. Ngawi Raya RT 16 RW 03, Maospati-Central Java (0351) 868 931 : Jl. Middle Kingdom 34-35 (Caglak) Gedong village - East Jakarta (021) 70382322, 70382066, 841 1...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Go the New Zealand Tourism | New Zealand Travel Deals | New Zealand Bus Tours

Magic Bus is New Zealand'strusted transportation forbackpackers and independenttravellers. The first Qualmarkendorsed visitor transport,Magic Bus offers flexible NewZealand backpacker bustravel for the ultimate NewZealand adventure tour.Choose from all New Zealandtravel deals, one way dealsfrom Auckland to Christchurch(or vice versa) for a NewZealand tour, or North orSouth Island only deals. Aselection of our NZ traveldeals include spectacular trainjourneys - The TranzAlpinefrom Christchurch toGreymouth and theTranzCoastal from Picton toChristchurch. We offer manydiffernt types of New ZealandTours.Our NZ bus passes are validfor 12 months, and includediscounts for YHA and otherselected cardholders. Magic'stravel New Zealand dealsleave you with more in yourpocket to enjoy your NewZealand vacation....

Monday, August 9, 2010

The City Sightseeing Worldwide,

City Sightseeing Worldwide -the world's leading open topbus tour operator - Withdistinctive buses and friendlystaff, the choice in selectedcities between multi-lingualcommentary or live guide, anexclusive Kids Commentary insome destinations, sightseeinghas never been so much fun!Hop On and Hop Off as muchas you like at any of the busstops on the route and see allthe best sights and attractionsthat the town or city has tooffer.Information at your fingertipsOn these pages you will findinformation about all our opentop bus tours worldwide,including leaflets, maps,timetables, photos and muchmore. Lots of fun for all thefamily but all children must beaccompanied by an adul...

The London's Original and best Open Top Bus Tour

Welcome to London and toThe Original Tour. We providemore than just a great way totravel around the capital,founded nearly 60 years agoat the time of The Festival ofBritain and now the largestand most popular open-topsightseeing bus operator inthe world.Tickets valid for 24-hoursThree superb bus tour routesHop-on & hop-off ticket coversall toursLIVE guided & multi-lingualcommentariesFREE Walking ToursFREE Thames River CruiseFREE Kids' Club & activity packSuperb modern open-top busfleetConvenient central LondonVisitor CentreThe Original Tour has becomeestablished as THE essentialintroduction to London. Weinvite you to experience allthe magical sights and soundsof London in a comfortableand secure environment.Receive expert help from ourexcellent travel advisers. Youcan also purchase...

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